Subway Swirls

by Chuck Jason
Subway Swirls
Chuck Jason
Photograph - Photograph
To reach the Subway you must obtain a backcountry permit at Zion National Park to hike the strenuous 9 mile round trip. In the last half mile are several waterfalls, the crack and the subway. Totally breathtaking places to see and photograph! We hiked this the week before Thanksgiving and to catch the glow we stayed late in the afternoon and ended up hiking back for three hours in the pitch dark only with headlamps climbing over boulders, crossing through water, over and under fallen trees. There is no trail, basically you follow the water. The killer part is climbing up the 400 foot embankment to get out of the canyon at the end and especially in the dark.
November 22nd, 2015
Comments (1)

Maggie Terlecki
Wow, you really have to be committed to getting the shot to do the trek you both did. And people say photography is easy. HA!
Chuck Jason replied:
Committed & passionate about getting the shot! Not one of those jump out of the car and click. lol Thank you Maggie!